Wondering if you have what it takes to beat the commute or beat unemployment simply by working at home utilizing the skill you already possess?
Let this video be your inspiration piece and the doorway to self-employment peace.
The Total Package Is Here!
Stop walking by your
sewing machine on your way to an unfulfilling job ...
... and make that machine work for you from the comfort of your own home!
How much money can you earn when you work at home sewing for your local community?

Here's How To Create
A Successful Home-Based Alterations & Sewing Business
That Fulfills Your Dream, Expands Your Creativity,
Gathers A Devoted Following, and Pays You Your Worth.
What if your sewing and alterations business attracted droves of enthusiastic customers,
increased your income like crazy great, and gave you the
satisfaction of creativity, socializing and doing what you really love?
Here's a secret.
When you have in your possession The Total Package program to guide and support you,
You could finally:
Increase your
Thrill customers with perfect fit
Build a rocking
thriving business
Because you have the tool that shows you how to bring in the revenue you need,
when you need it.
Because you know exactly how customers want to feel when they see their image
in your magic mirror.
Because you know how to connect people with the solution to their garment
fitting problems.
Why is
The Total Package
The Key
to building your successful alterations business?
(I've got your answer)

Let’s start at the beginning.
As you know, the service of alterations involves spot-fixing as many areas as necessary in a ready-made garment to make it better fitting.
No matter who you are, sooner or later you're going to
"fall apart at the seams"
and need to spot fix garments yourself or have them fixed
or toss them aside for lack of knowing (or caring) what to do with them next.
Your business - with its excellent community outreach - is necessary to persuade customers to responsibly alter their clothing as a very "green" gesture.
Your business is meant to advocate a
and dispense with the
Business Attire customers need you
Formal Wear customers need you

Outer Wear customers need you

And Unique Problems customers need you
A home-based alterations and sewing business is a small business.
But that doesn't mean you can't get
big results.

Why am I so sure?
As the owner of an in-demand alterations service and fast-growing YouTube channel teaching with over 100 videos, I'm continually learning new techniques in all aspects of running this business - from sewing tricks to interpersonal tips - every year I take stock of customer trends and assess all the current stuff you need to know for your own business.
Without exception, people experience a unique love affair with clothing unlike other possessions, and you need to be informed about how to conduct business with people and the subject of perfecting the fit of their clothing.
The Total Package is that guidance system you need to prevail.
Let's take a look at that.
Say you work part time and you live close to a metro area, you could easily potentially make up to $1,000 a month.
Likely your goal is more than that, which usually means full time, and if you live near or inside a metro area, you could potentially make up to $2-3,000 and even $4,000 a month, especially when combined with custom sewing or craft products, perhaps an Etsy shop, availing yourself to dress shops, and any other types of skill set combos you can imagine.
You are the creator here - you can work backwards from the monthly income figure you desire and estimate just how much sewing that's going to require, and I show you how to do that with The Total Package.
Once you establish a client base, and start experiencing the joy of repeat customers who clamor for your service, that's when the income potential begins to climb.
When you provide your customer a kind of retreat or getaway experience in an inviting studio ambience, build the anticipation of perfect clothing fit, then provide an exquisite outcome - that's when income potential flourishes.
You NEED a guidance system that teaches you how to prevail alongside the competition
So learning how to create an irresistible alterations business is one of the best investments of your time.
Want to grow an alterations business over the next 3-4 months?
Concentrate on tasks which provide the biggest return on your time and attention.
A business that's irresistible to its customers can result in countless return visits from clients who refer you to others.
And when you learn how to create that demand, you benefit for years to come.
The Three Big Secrets
Behind A Successful Alterations Business
Sewists sometimes think there's no rhyme or reason to how clients respond to their marketing efforts.
They believe it simply comes down to luck. If the customer really wants perfect fit badly enough, maybe they'll call for a consultation. If not, well, at least you tried. This kind of thinking may be comforting, but it won't get you paid.
In reality, there are 3 big things customers are looking for.
Secret #1
A persuasive website and thoughtful marketing materials help customers make the decision to call without fear.
The customer needs to feel like s/he's in safe hands.
Before s/he can commit to calling or coming in, s/he wants to know that you're reliable and trustworthy.
You can convey reliability and trustworthiness with a clean and simple website, friendly voicemail/answering system, well designed business cards/brochures, and - best of all - your self confidence in person which conveys, "I'm going to take care of you!"
Secret #2
The client needs to feel that you're skillful. That's separate from reliable and trustworthy.
A person can be totally reliable and trustworthy, but not necessarily skillful enough for a particular job.
Customers need to feel like you know what you're doing - even if they don't have any idea what you're going to be doing. For best results, you must convey your skillfulness and be honest when a task is beyond you.
Secret #3
The client needs to feel that you're available. That means listening to what they want and translating it into reality.
Most customers show up totally aware of what they want done. It's up to the alterations specialist to convert that need into the desired outcome, at the same time giving great advice, explaining practical outcomes, and sensitively offering attractive alternatives.
So how do you go about creating a thriving, successful
alterations business that prevails alongside competition?
Up to now, it's been a guess-and-by-golly process trying to figure out your own skill, client-readiness, area competition, the exact setup steps and how to start running customers through your mill of expert alterations services.
The Total Package is designed to change all that.
As far as I'm aware, this is the only course of its kind.
The only class that tells you exactly what to do and how to set up this business in short order, exactly what to do and how to get going receiving customers, and what to do and how to see things big picture and plan for growth.
Here's why I made
The Total Package
for you

Customized specifically for the home-based alterations specialist
The Total Package is customized specifically for the home-based alterations specialist. Rather than collect bits and pieces from all over the internet, here it is in one robust package.
Nowhere else that I can find is there a comprehensive collection of information this thorough that supports your every question with answers and action plans.

No guess work to creating your dream business
No stumbling around with trial and error. Why delay your dream trying to figure out all the steps when it's all here at your fingertips in videos, PDFs, cheat sheets, policies and guidelines. All organized for your quick reference, immersion study or brush-up tutorial.
At last, you'll have a step-by-step process you can follow ever time you need an answer.

No question about how to get paid your worth
Knowing that you deserve to be paid your worth is a mindset that often escapes artists - and we sewists are artists possessing technical wizardry that I liken to super hero sewing.
The Total Package assists you in understanding how to charge your best prices, believe in them, and therefore attract the best customers who are ready and willing to pay top dollar for exquisite results by a master sewist.
Let Me Show You Exactly What's Inside

The Total Package Is The Step-by-Step Course
Which Will Show You How To Thrive & Prevail in a
Home-Based Alterations Business
Once you see, hear and read the material in this course, you'll know how to adapt it all to your style of delivering an alterations service, and your customers will love you for it!
Inside, I'll guide you through three main sections:
All available instantly!
Video Tutorials Teaching Alterations
FREE on YouTube
Business Setup
You don't have to figure this stuff out on your own anymore
As an alterations specialist and consultant, I'm your teacher for all three sections including 13 FREE videos demonstrating the most in-demand alterations requests, interpersonal stories so varied and interesting such that my experiences will help you discern how to handle customers in any situation, and quick-as-a-bunny business setup steps with career follow-through.
Now let me walk you through exactly what we'll cover

Option 1
(same as Kindle version)
Business Setup Details for the Alterations Specialist

Options 2 & 3
10 Business Set up Videos
Same-as-Kindle book as in Option 1 in PDF Format
Become absorbed by the book which contains the same easily comprehensive business setup sections information as the videos
the entertaining, even
client interaction stories that will save you from mistakes so you can anticipate business success.
boot camp newsletter - merchandise discount - coaching - Certificate of Completion - gold standard sewing shears

Compare with Amazon
Kindle or paperback
"This course unfolded so easily."
The Total Package enabled me to add the second income our family needed and I'm able to work from home offering alterations to our community. All skills were acquired from this amazing program and were either new information or a refresher training. This course unfolded so easily. We are so grateful.
Dani Martine, Atlanta, GA

If You Can Say "Yes" To Any Of These Questions,
You're The Perfect Fit For
The Total Package
Question #1
Are you looking to start or grow your home-based alterations and sewing business
and want to skip the painful trial and error?
Question #2
Are you already altering people's clothing for them in some manner?
Question #3
Do you find that you're much better at doing alterations for people casually than
presenting yourself as a master sewist business person who commands his/her worth in payment?
If so, this course is likely to be a good fit for you.
Here's why.
It's back to "everybody falls apart at the seams" sooner or later and then you, the alterations specialist, are needed. That's the easy part. But to figure out how to take that skill and get it to support you either fully or partially takes some planning even for a small home business.
Most sewists are more comfortable with creating than selling. That's what's so sweet about us. In this course, I'll lay the building blocks out in front of you - all you have to do is assemble them to your liking.
Five Ways Your Alterations Business Is About To
Change Your Life For The Better
Making back your investment in this class in new and repeat customers.
No longer stressed because you've finally got a plan.
Easily turning desperate strangers into friendly raving customers.
Experiencing clients willing to pay your prices without hesitation.
Cleverly crafting a multi-faceted home-based sewing and alterations business.
Ready to Get Started?
Choose Your One-Time Payment Option
O P T I O N 1
for total self-starters
(1 benefit)
* PDF version of the Kindle book
"How To Run A Successful Sewing & Alterations Business From Home
The $100 Startup"
See Kindle/paperback
reviews here

* 10 Business Setup Videos
* 8-Week Boot Camp Newsletter
* Discount Code for Merchandise
Refund guarantee
See below
O P T I O N 2
for visual learners
(4 benefits)
* PDF version of the Kindle book
"How To Run A Successful Sewing & Alterations Business From Home
The $100 Startup"
See Kindle/paperback
reviews here

* 10 Business Setup Videos
* 8-Week Boot Camp Newsletter
* Discount Code for Merchandise
Refund guarantee
See below
O P T I O N 3
for visual learners + coaching + product
(7 benefits)
* PDF version of the Kindle book
"How To Run A Successful Sewing & Alterations Business From Home
The $100 Startup"
See Kindle/paperback
reviews here

* 10 Business Setup Videos
* 8-Week Boot Camp Newsletter
* Discount Code for Merchandise
* Unlimited Coaching
*Certificate of Completion
*Gold Standard Sewing Shears
Refund guarantee
See below

Options 2 & 3 are covered with the
Alterations by Phyllis Guarantee
If upon receiving the initial Assessment page (partial product)
you decide Options 2 & 3 of The Total Package
aren't the right fit for you,
send me an email within 15 days of purchase
and I'll cheerfully give you your money back.
No hoops to jump through. No homework to hand in. No questions asked.

Why did you purchase Phyllis's training?
My daughter and I own a trendy dress shop together and discovered that our clients want and will eagerly pay for alterations done on site. We didn't know how to solve this pain point for our customers until we discovered The Total Package. My daughter, Maggie, with her sewing skill has taken over alterations for the shop and absolutely loves it!
Sheila & Maggie Crandall, Chicago, IL

I just want to say: 13 FREE videos, 125 page business setup PDF and a discount business name personalized T-shirt later, I'm 3 months into a new, growing alterations business from home! I wasn't sure it could develop this quickly. I guess I just made up my mind and haven't looked back.
Liz Madison, Seattle, WA
The reason this program is so valuable to me is because I've been in home-based alterations for 5 years, but I wanted the videos for permanent resource since there is no other solid collection out there in the universe to buy that I can find. The ebook about running a successful alterations business from home really resonated with me. It's packed with practical info, juicy stories just like she says, and ideas I never thought of that I now incorporate into my business. I LOVE my new identity as a super hero sewist.
Carmen Dimaglio, Los Angeles, CA